Reproductive Health Jook with Turmeric

Serves 1


1/3 cup steel cut oats or oatmeal
1/8 cup coconut
1/4 cup walnuts
1 Tbls wolfberries [Lycium fruit (gou ji zi)]
1 Tbls dried black currents
1 Tbls grated fresh turmeric root


Rinse ingredients.

SOAK ALL INGREDIENTS OVERNIGHT in 1.5 cups of water: in cooking pot:
an enameled pot is better than metal

Use the soak-water for cooking, add more water if needed:

Cook 10 -15 minutes.

Serve with:

Nutritional yeast: Brewer’s Yeast (good protein profile)
Flax oil or other EFA (essential fatty acid) oil (aids tissue health)
Cream (optional)


The first time I ate this I felt like I was having painless internal surgery performed on my reproductive organs, while I ate!! Oats calm the nervous system and stomach, regulate chi and strengthen Spleen. Coconut strengthens the body and activates the Heart functions, abates swelling and uncontrolled blood. Walnuts assail sexual dysfunction, impotence, infertility, back and leg pain and tonify Kidneys. Wolfberries help the critical function energy needs of Liver, Kidney and Spleen, aiding reproductive health. Black currents are a tonic to the reproductive organs. Turmeric regulates blood and menstruation and PMS. Reduces uterine tumors. Purifies the blood and aids in creating new blood tissue, increases blood circulation. Acts upon the Liver and aids joint and tendon health. Strengthens digestion.